Find your own space to meditate

During the confinement, many of us have sought time and space for sport. Time that has proved vital to our well-being, both physically and emotionally. And also a space, which we have sought in our homes, to be able to practice our favourite sport. But without disturbing the other members of the family, if we do not live alone. But well-being is not only nourished by sport. Peace of mind is as necessary as physical balance.

Meditation is a tool that has helped many people to cope better with this situation. Because we often, without realising it, live without breathing. We are not aware of the importance of breathing in our lives. It is vital for learning to live ‘here and now’.

There are many benefits to meditation.

  1. It helps to increase attention. Meditation increases our ability to be attentive and helps us to focus longer on a task.
  2. Strengthens the immune system. The practice of meditation increases our number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, the blood cells that help fight viruses and bacteria.
  3. Reduces the emotional impact of pain. People who meditate tolerate pain better, because the areas of their brains that respond to pain are less active.
  4. It relaxes the amygdala: The set of neurons responsible for the management of fear, anxiety and stress, which is smaller among meditators. This causes a significant reduction in stress levels.
  5. Reduces the chance of a heart attack by 50%. Coronary heart patients who practice meditation suffer half as many strokes as those who do not. In addition, meditation reduces hypertension and cholesterol levels
  6. Increases the thickness of the brain. Meditation increases the volume of grey matter, in areas related to the regulation of emotions and self-control, increases the cortical thickness in areas related to attention, and strengthens the region of the central brain (anterior cingulate) that regulates pain.
  7. Delays ageing. Meditators show increased activity of the enzyme telomerase, which is responsible for maintaining the ends of chromosomes – the so-called telomeres -, resulting in a delay in cellular ageing.
  8. Increases your self-control. Meditation helps to manage negative emotions such as anger. Meditators have a greater ability to find balance and to remain calm in stressful situations.
  9. Improves your social life. Meditation encourages the activity of mirror neurons, which results in a greater capacity for empathy and the creation of social bonds. It also reduces feelings such as loneliness and anguish.
  10. It enhances creativity. Meditation generates mental and emotional clarity, clears the mind and improves the ability to concentrate. Some meditators claim that during meditation they experience revelations and inspirations.

To really get the most out of the time we spend in meditation it is important to find a space alone, where we can be as quiet as possible. The materials we choose for this space also play a fundamental role. Choose the ones that make you feel more comfortable. Ceramic finishes are always a perfect option and in line with all lifestyles.

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