Legal advice

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legal advice

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By means of this document ESMALGLASS S.A. describes to users of it’s web page the policies adopted to protect the personal data of users who freely and voluntarily such data to ESMALGLASS S.A.

ESMALGLASS S.A. reserves the right to modify the present policies to adapt to new legislation or court decisions, as well as adapting to the practices of the industry. In the case of changes made, ESMALGLASS S.A. will announce on this page the changes introduced with a reasonable anticipation of their implementation.

The personal data referred to in this document will be the object of automatic treatment and incorporated into the corresponding databases of which ESMALGLASS S.A. is the owner and/or has responsibility.

The collection and automatic treatment of the personal data referred to will be included in the processes used in the selection of company personnel.

ESMALGLASS S.A. has adopted levels of security of personal data required by law, and strives to install other means within its reach to prevent the loss, poor use, alterations, unauthorised access and robbery of any personal data submitted to ESMALGLASS S.A.

Users, in accordance with the law denominated the Lay Organica de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos De Carácter Personal, may elect at any time considered convenient the right of access, rectification, cancellation and challenge addressing themselves to:

Esmalglass S.A.U.
Ctra.CV-20 km.2,3 – Apdo.194
12.540 Villarreal (Castellón), SPAIN